Rosette 2020

InterPore Rosette Recipients 2020

Eric Morales CasiqueGeology Institute National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico
For services as former Chair of Mexican National Chapter
Nicolae Tomozeiu Océ Technologies BV, The Netherlands
For services as former Chair of Benelux National Chapter
Matthijs de Winter–  Environmental Hydrogeology, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
For continued services as InterPore Newsletter Editor-in-Chief
Laura LongoniEngineering Geology Politecnico di Milano, Italy
For continued services to the Communication Committee
Lei ZhangChina University of Petroleum (East China), China
For services as Co-Chair of InterPore2020 Online
Noushine ShahidzadehInstitute of Physics-WZI Soft matter group University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
For continued services as InterPore Foundation Communication Director