Statement on war in Ukraine

InterPore Statement on war in Ukraine

Dear Friends,

It is with great disbelief, disgust, and horror that we have watched the unfolding news of the army of the Russian Federation invading the sovereign country of Ukraine. Disbelief that in the year 2022 a few men from a safe, luxurious palace can order such death and destruction. Disgust from the bombardments and shelling of densely populated areas, followed by tanks and military units roaming around. And the horror of watching burning corpses from Ukrainian citizens and servicemen, and Russian servicemen alike. As scientists, we promote a peaceful and prosperous planet, with enough food and housing and a safe climate for everyone. Under such circumstances, it is natural that InterPore supports all efforts to achieve immediate peace in the respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Ukrainian state. We are not alone in this quest, as exemplified in this newsletter which reproduces messages from ISC, the open letter from Russian scientists.

We will continue to publish information and call for action with the indomitable hope that peace and freedom will eventually prevail.



To our fellow scientists in Ukraine: We understand that your current focus is solely on taking care of your relatives, friends, and yourself. We hope that peace will be restored soon, and when it does, that you will be able to resume your scientific work. We can imagine that doing science and giving lectures in an university in a torn up country will be very difficult. Please contact us when you’re in need and we as a community will do whatever we can to support you.