New podcast: This Academic Life

I am Pania Newell, a member of InterPore. My research is focused on understanding coupled processes in heterogeneous porous media across scales.

I am excited to announce that along with two of my colleagues Lucy Zhang, and Kim Lewis, we started a podcast called “This Academic Life”, which is an academic podcast for educators and researchers in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM). Our goal is to encourage, inspire, and support educators and researchers while we all explore and thrive in This Academic Life.

The InterPore Community consists of educators and students from across the world with a common passion for and fascination with porous media. I personally believe we are all surrounded by natural or man-made porous media, and I think many of you agree with me. Although, our podcast does not talk about porous media directly, it addresses many important aspects of this academic life that we are all living and experiencing. For instance, disseminating our scientific knowledge and discoveries to the broader audience, collaborating with researchers from other institutions, how to be a successful researcher, how to make our community more inclusive, and many other topics. This podcast is designed to address challenges and opportunities that we are all facing in our academic career.

Listen/subscribe to the show on: Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music, and YouTube.