ISC: UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and the ISC’s Distinguished Lecture Series

While we celebrate the International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development (IYBSSD), it is important to recognise the contribution basic science can make to the achieve sustainable development.

Within InterPore much of our efforts are focused on innovations in energy, the environment, and health. Our research clearly supports achieving the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Last year in an ISC item, we encouraged you to familiarise yourself with the SDGs and to map your research against the 17 SDG goals set by the UN.

Building on this, we would like to draw your attention to a new distinguished lecture series by the ISC entitled: From fire to space – Basic sciences lead and shape our paths toward sustainable development.

We would like to invite you to read about this lecture series and register to attend any which you find interesting.

ISC Discussion Time:

Discuss the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with your team members. Summarise what you have learned from the ISC’s distinguished lecture series and share ideas with your team.