InterPore Journal Special Issues

The possibility of publishing a Special Issue of InterPore Journal is an exciting opportunity for creating an authoritative collection of papers on a trendy topic. Our Board of Editors is enthusiastic about receiving proposals for special issues on various topics related to porous media science and technology – the publication of which will also allow for the dissemination of cutting-edge research and promoting collaboration among experts in the porous media community.

The possibility of publishing a special issue in InterPore Journal based on the presentations given at different minisymposia at the InterPore conference is one exciting opportunity which we are actively working on. If you are interested in being involved in this, please contact the Managing Editor Laura Lenz or the Editor in Chief Nima Shokri.

The journal’s commitment to excellence and a rigorous peer-review process will ensure that the published articles will be of high quality and that they will contribute to the advancement of porous media science and technology. Researchers interested in submitting proposals for special issues, especially the organizers of the minisymposia at InterPore2024, are encouraged to reach out to our Managing Editor Laura Lenz, who will be delighted to discuss their ideas and facilitate the coordination of this special issue.

More information can also be found here.