About InterPore Mexico


The main mission is to establish and act as a national platform for linking specialists from academia and industry working in areas related to porous media.

Particular goals

  • Provide a national forum to promote the exchange of ideas and experiences to improve research in porous media and its application

  • Identify issues of national interest related to porous media in order to propose solutions

  • Promote the importance of topics related to the study of porous media

  • Stimulate the creation and strengthening of multidisciplinary research groups

  • Identify sources of public and private funding for collaborative research among members of the Chapter

  • Facilitate training and human resource development

Steering Committee

  • Chair: Graciela Herrera-Zamarrón, Geophysics Institute, UNAM
  • Vice Chair: Eric Morales-Casique, Geology Institute, UNAM
  • Secretary: Martín A. Díaz-Viera, Mexican Petroleum Institute


  • Conduct an annual meeting of Mexican Chapter

  • Identify national companies whose processes involving porous media problems

  • Make a register of specialists linked with porous media problems

  • Promote roundtables to define strategic areas and issues of national interest

  • Create a web page and establish mechanisms for contact and exchange

  • Set on the Chapter’s website a software and bibliography repository to share

  • Invite people from industry to present the problems of interest

  • Conduct workshops with the participation of members and guests

  • Use mass media and forums to inform about Mexican Chapter and InterPore

  • Organize short courses

  • Make a list of courses related to porous media imparted in Mexican institutions