Sign up for the InterPore MDPI Energies Student Poster Award

Candidates can self-nominate when submitting the abstract to the conference.
The Procter and Gamble Student Award is given in recognition of outstanding student poster presentations at the annual InterPore conference. Up to two awards will be given each year, each consisting of a prize of 500 €.


Eligibility for the P&G Student Award is limited to Bachelors, Masters, and Doctoral students who present a poster at the InterPore conference. The work presented in the poster should have been carried out while the nominee was a student. To be considered, the nominee must currently be a student or must have completed her/his degree within one year of the InterPore conference. The poster must be presented by the nominated student.


All topics relevant to the mission of InterPore and to the study of flow in porous media, broadly defined, will be eligible for this student award.

Sign up for the best poster competition

All registered students who have a poster presentation are eligible to be considered for this award. To sign up, you must indicate during registration for the conference that you wish to be included in the competition.

An Evaluation Committee will visit and judge all posters and will select two for the award based on scientific quality and relevance, oral presentation, and the design and structure of the poster.

A word of gratitude:

This award has been made possible by MDPI Energies Journal.

Nomination Deadline: February 15, 2021.