Masa Prodanovic
Ordinary Council Member
Kimberly-Clark Distinguished Lectureship Award Sub-Committee
Committee member
Masa Prodanovic
Professor and Associate Department Chair
Frank W. Jessen Professorship in Petroleum Engineering
Department Research Areas:
Geologic Carbon Storage
Integrated Reservoir Characterization
Unconventional Resources
Petrophysics and Pore Scale Processes
Educational Qualifications:
PhD, Computational Applied Mathematics and Statistics, State University of New York at Stony Brook, 2005
PGE Courses Taught:
PGE 310: Formation and Solution of Geosystems Engineering Problems
PGE 311: Numerical Methods and Programming
PGE 322K: Transport Phenomena
PGE334/PGE383: Reservoir Geomechanics
PGE 381M: Transport Phenomena
PGE 383: Digital Rock Petrophysics
Maša Prodanović holds a Bachelor of Science in applied mathematics from the University of Zagreb, Croatia, and a PhD in computational applied mathematics from Stony Brook University, New York. She held a Research Associate position, as well as prestigious J.T. Oden Postdoctoral Fellowship, prior to her current post. Prodanović’s research interests include multiphase flow and image‐based porous media characterization especially applied to heterogeneous media, level set method, ferrohydrodynamics, sediment mechanics/fracturing and unconventional resources. View her digital rocks portal to see this research in action. She taught and organized successful Short Courses on Image Analysis and Related Modeling in July 2011, May 2013 and May 2014.
Awards & Honors:
Interpore Medal for Porous Media Research, 2022.
SPE Distinguished Member Award, 2021.
EAGE Alfred Wegener Award, 2021.
SPE Regional Formation Evaluation Award (Southwestern North America), April 2019.
Stony Brook University’s 40 Under Forty, November 2017.
Texas Top Ten Faculty, May 2017.
Chevron Centennial Teaching Fellow in Petroleum Engineering, September 2015.
SPE Faculty Innovative Teaching Award, 2014.
InterPore Procter & Gamble Award for Porous Media Research, 2014.
NSF CAREER Award (NSF Directorate of Earth Sciences), February 2013.
Pioneer Corporation Faculty Fellowship in Petroleum Engineering, September 2012.
Summer Research Assignment 2011 Award for tenure-track faculty, University of Texas at Austin.
SPE Annual Technical Conference 2009 and Exhibition Outstanding Young Professional Paper.
Highlighted Publications and Google Scholar Profile:
Radhakrishnan, A Gigliotti, KP Johnston, D DiCarlo, M Prodanović, “Experiments and Simulations to Study Transport and Structure of Foam in Rough Carbonate Fractures,” Transport in Porous Media (2022) 145 (3), 745–760.
N. Wang, L. Cha, M. Balhoff and M. Prodanovic, “Experimental Investigation of Trapped Oil Mobilization with Ferrofluid,” Paper number SPE-201365-PA, SPE Journal (2021).
J.E. Santos, Y. Yin, H. Jo, W. Pan, Q. Kang, H.S. Viswanathan, M. Prodanović, M.J. Pyrcz, N. Lubbers, Computationally Efficient Multiscale Neural Networks Applied to Fluid Flow in Complex 3D Porous Media, Transp. Porous Media (2021).
R. Xu, M. Prodanović, C. Landry, Pore-Scale Study of Water Adsorption and Subsequent Methane Transport in Clay in the Presence of Wettability Heterogeneity, Water Resources Research 56 (2020), e2020WR027568. https://doi.org/10.1029/2020WR02756
M. Zhang, M. Prodanović, M. Mirabolghasemi, J. Zhao, 3D Microscale Flow Simulation of Shear-Thinning Fluids in a Rough Fracture, Transport in Porous Media (2019). doi:10.1007/s11242-019-01243-9.
H.J. Khan, M. Prodanovic, D.A. DiCarlo, The Effect of Vuggy Porosity on Straining in Porous Media, SPE Journal (2019). doi:10.2118/194201-PA.
S. Ghanbarzadeh, M.A. Hesse, M. Prodanović, Percolative core formation in planetesimals enabled by hysteresis in metal connectivity, PNAS, 114 (2017) 13406–13411. doi:10.1073/pnas.1707580114.
C.J. Landry, P. Eichhubl, M. Prodanović, S. Wilkins, Nanoscale grain boundary channels in fracture cement enhance flow in mudrocks, J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 121 (2016), 2016JB012810. doi:10.1002/2016JB012810.
Z. Xue, A.J. Worthen, C. Da, A. Qajar, I.R. Ketchum, S. Alzobaidi, C. Huh, M. Prodanović, K.P. Johnston, Ultradry Carbon Dioxide-in-Water Foams with Viscoelastic Aqueous Phases, Langmuir. 32 (2016) 28–37. doi:10.1021/acs.langmuir.5b03036.
S. Ghanbarzadeh, M.A. Hesse, M. Prodanovic, J.E. Gardner, Deformation-assisted fluid percolation in rock salt, Science. 350 (2015) 1069–1072. doi:10.1126/science.aac8747.
M. Mirabolghasemi, M. Prodanović, D. DiCarlo, H. Ji, Prediction of empirical properties using direct pore-scale simulation of straining through 3D microtomography images of porous media, Journal of Hydrology. 529, Part 3 (2015) 768–778. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2015.08.016.
A. Tokan-Lawal, M. Prodanović, P. Eichhubl, Investigating flow properties of partially cemented fractures in Travis Peak Formation using image-based pore-scale modeling, J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth. 120 (2015) 2015JB012045. doi:10.1002/2015JB012045.
A. Mehmani, M. Prodanović, The application of sorption hysteresis in nano-petrophysics using multiscale multiphysics network models, International Journal of Coal Geology. 128–129 (2014) 96–108. doi:10.1016/j.coal.2014.03.008.
M. Prodanović, S.L. Bryant, A level set method for determining critical curvatures for drainage and imbibition, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 304 (2006) 442–458. doi:10.1016/j.jcis.2006.08.048.
M. Prodanović, W.B. Lindquist, R.S. Seright, 3D image-based characterization of fluid displacement in a Berea core, Advances in Water Resources. 30 (2007) 214–226. doi:10.1016/j.advwatres.2005.05.015.