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Student Affairs Committee


Students Affairs Committee (SAC)

The Student Affairs Committee (SAC) is the representative of student members within the InterPore leadership structure. The Chair of SAC is a member of the InterPore Council. SAC is dedicated to advocating for the interests of students and planning activities during the annual InterPore conference. Past events have included a career event, a social gathering, and a game night. The goal is to organize additional activities throughout the year as well. All students are encouraged to reach out to SAC if they have any concerns or issues they wish to share with InterPore.

SAC aims to attract, involve, and include more PhD students and postdocs in the InterPore organization. We strive to improve the dialogue between the existing community, students, and young professionals through educational, career-oriented, and social activities.


Education: We want to support students entering the field of porous media by organizing short courses and workshops that introduce the basics of porous media, as well as typical experimental and analytical methods.

Social: We aim to organize events that promote networking, collaboration, and fun. These events provide opportunities to discuss individual work and exchange ideas, particularly at existing InterPore meetings and conferences.

Career: InterPore's academic and industry networks present a unique opportunity to bridge the gap between the two. We hope to organize company visits and career events, providing students with direct interaction opportunities with industry representatives.

How YOU can contribute

We are always looking for ideas, support, and volunteers! If you have ideas or wish to contribute to an event, please contact us at


The SAC is composed of up to six young researchers, elected by all InterPore members. Committee members must be PhD students or postdocs at the time of their candidacy, and they hold the position for two years. Elections take place annually, with half the committee being replaced each year to ensure a smooth transition. The committee elects a president after each election.

Get Involved

Joining the SAC is a fantastic way to become more involved with InterPore, strengthen your resume, and build valuable connections in your network. For more information on how you can get involved, please contact Mohammad Nooraiepour at

The Committee

Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo, Norway

Committee Member
Postgraduate, Department of School of Engineering, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), Mexico

Committee Member
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Committee Member
Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo, Norway

Committee Member
Postdoctoral researcher, University of Gothenburg, Sweden

Committee Members
TotalEnergies (formerly, Federal University of Uberlândia, Uberlândia), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil